
A portrait of the Section

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was born on March 27, 1845 in Germany. In 1869 he obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Zurich and in 1875 he was appointed Professor at the Academy of Agriculture at Hohenheim and later accepted a chair of Physics at the University of Würzburg. On the evening of November 8, 1895, while in a dark laboratory, he found that, if the discharge tube is inserted in a black carton to exclude any light, a paper plate covered on one side with barium platinocyanide and placed in the path of cathode rays became fluorescent, even when it was as far as two metres from the tube. When he replicated the experiment and immobilised for some seconds his wife´s hand in the path of the rays over a photographic plate, he observed an image which showed the shadows thrown by the bones of her hand and that of a ring she was wearing, surrounded by the penumbra of the flesh, which was more permeable to the rays and therefore looked fainter. Through further experiments, W. C. Röntgen demonstrated that the new rays, then labelled X-rays as their source was still unknown, are produced by the impact of cathode rays on a material object. Radiology was born.

The Specialist Sections of the UEMS represent the interests of their particular specialty and have the right to create their own Boards to address scientific and training interests. Each Section is responsible to the Council and must regularly report on all its activities.

Delegations to the Section of Radiology come from 40 different countries, ranging from Europe´s tiniest nations to some of the largest, including Full Member countries (in green on the map), and Associates (yellow) and Observers (orange) from the Near East, North Africa and Caucasus areas.

The Section includes two sub-specialty divisions dedicated to Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology.

The annual fees of the Section are currently based on the official UEMS Repartition Key – structured according to Gross Domestic Product, population and number of specialists.

The UEMS Council has established three Groupings of the Presidents and Secretaries of the Sections. Each Section can only belong to one Grouping and the decision is taken by the Council. Each of the three Groupings elects one Chair and the Secretary of the Grouping. The term in office of a Grouping´s Chair and Secretary is four years.

Radiology belongs to Grouping III – Multidisciplinary and Prof. Paolo Ricci is the current Chair, thus sitting in advisory capacity in the UEMS Enlarged Executive Committee (EEC).

On Saturday, 29th October 2016 in Rome, it was agreed to enlarge the number of elected officers and include the Presidents of the Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology divisions in the Executive Bureau. The current Executive Chairs of the Section of Radiology are displayed below.

Rules of nomination

UEMS rules nomination delegates

Rules of nomination of national delegates


The appointment of national delegates to the Section should meet the official UEMS guidelines summarised in the document attached  (UEMS rules on the nomination of delegates). The EJD – European Junior Doctors – send their representatives to the Section and its Divisions on advisory capacity, as the input of doctors in training in the matters of postgraduate medical training is considered of paramount importance for both institutions.

Each delegation to the Section shall consist in 2 delegates- specialist doctors in radiology in active practice or involved in negotiating on behalf of medical specialists with a working knowledge of English – from each member country of the Council of UEMS, nominated by that member of Council. Only Full Member countries – where the specialty of the Section is officially recognised – are enabled to cast a vote in a Section, the others and associated countries can act in an advisory capacity.

The exercise of the right to vote is subject to payment of the annual subscription fee, based on UEMS Repartition Key (population, Gross Domestic Product, number of specialists).


Prof. Dr. Katrine A. Riklund


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Dr. Jean-Paul A. Joris


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Prof. Helmann Helmberger


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Prof. Hannu Aronen


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Dr. Miraude Adriaensen

Member-at-Large EDiR

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Prof. Colin Cantwell

Member-at-Large ETAP

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Dr. Pyry Jylhä-Vuorio

Member at-Large

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Dr. Jeannette Kraft

Member at-Large

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Dr. Antanas Montvila

Member at-Large

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Prof. Paolo Ricci

Member at-Large

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Dr. Maja Radzina

Member at-Large

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Prof. Vladka Salapura

Member at-Large

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Prof. Nikoleta Traikova

Member at-Large

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Dr. Luis Gorospe

Member at-Large

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Prof. Nomeda Valevicienne

Member at-Large

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Prof. Michael J. Lee

President - Division of Interventional Radiology

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Prof. Dora Zlatareva

President - Division of Neuroradiology

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The Section of Radiology is actively engaged in UEMS internal bodies. You can find below the list of its representatives:


  • European Board of Phlebology: Dr. J.-P. Joris

  • MJC Pain Medicine: Dr. J.-P. Joris

  • MJC RUD (Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases): Dr. J.-P. Joris

  • MJC Adolescent Medicine: Dr. J. Kraft

  • MJC Paediatric Urology: Dr. J. Kraft

  • MJC Breast Care: Prof. B. Brkljacic

  • MJC Infection Control: Dr. C. Tziakouri (Section and NR Division delegate)

  • MJC Oncology: Dr. C. Tziakouri, Dr. R. Demuth

  • MJC Spine Surgery: Prof. G. Schroth (NR Division; Treasurer)

  • MJC Wound Healing: Prof. A. Bharadwaz

  • TF for Green and Sustainable Medical Practice: Prof. A. Bharadwaz 

  • TF on Hypertension: Dr. C. Tziakouri

Prof. P. Ricci is UEMS Vice-President 

Dr. J.P. Joris is the UEMS Delegate for EU initiatives